Browsing: Conditions

Constipation is a condition of the bowels in which the feces are dry and hard and excretion is difficult and less frequent. It refers to the infrequency of defecation which would be less than three bowel movements per week based on studies in a normal person. It can be considered as abnormal hard stools or evacuation that requires excessive straining. This can also be called dyschezia. Moreover, it is reported, it is a common problem with as many as one in eight people taking laxatives at least once each month

serious symptoms of depression that we go through during depression. Nowadays, almost all of us go through feelings of depression once in our life. Depression is much more than feeling sad or down. It is a serious mental disorder that can disrupt our daily life and get worse day by day. It can cause us to feel a persistent depressive mood of sadness and loss of interest in the activities that we enjoy.