If you read this article, you might come here to learn about probiotics. There will be many confusions and questions in your mind. Like what are probiotics? Whether to take probiotics on empty stomach or not. After reading this article, many of your concerns will be resolved.

Probiotics contain active bacteria that are useful for your health. These supplements can resolve the gut health problems in your body. The quality of the probiotic supplement is beneficial to get the results. Along with gut problems, they are also helpful for other health conditions. Improving gut health also increases immunity. There is a strong connection between gut health and immunity.

The common probiotics are:

  • lactobacillus acidophilus
  • lactobacillus casei
  • lactobacillus gasseri
  • lactobacillus delbrueckii
  • lactobacillus johnsonii
  • lactobacillus plantarum, and
  • lactobacillus rhamnosus

“Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species are common probiotic bacteria” National Institutes of Health. A good quality probiotic can improve digestion and bowel movement. And are also good for mental health. Research shows that some probiotics cause weight loss. This is another reason for using probiotics. The weight loss effects are not very much visible. More research needs to clarify this.

Probiotics are available as an OTC medicine. OTC means Over-the-counter. It shows that anybody can buy them without having a prescription. Some people advise taking them on empty stomach. However, some take with after having food. While some prefer to take them with food. There is no general preference for timing.

Thus, you might get confused about the time you should take them. Some people think that after having food the stomach produces acid. So, this acid can kill the probiotics. Therefore, it is safe to take probiotics before a meal. So that they can produce their effect by reaching the intestine.

Supporters of taking them after a meal argue about the high acidity level of the stomach. They said that the stomach acidity level is high before a meal. So, probiotics cannot survive in this environment. Thus, they believe one should not use probiotics on an empty stomach. Instead, they should be used after having a meal because the pH level increase and acid can neutralize.

Both views seem correct, but these can create confusion. To resolve the confusion and give you a better idea of whether to take probiotics on empty stomach or not. We have curated this article.

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Timing: Is it important?

Some probiotic manufacturing companies advise taking probiotics on empty stomach. They claim it can improve gut health. While some manufacturers recommend taking it with food. This creates confusion among the people about the exact time. They remain confused about whether to take probiotics on empty stomach or not.

Some researchers measure the viability of probiotic bacteria in the human body. However, it is a tough task. Some strains of probiotic bacteria can survive with food, while some cannot.

Saccharomyces boulardii can survive in the stomach with or without food. Lactobacillus can survive if it is consumed almost 30 minutes before food.

Steadiness is of prime importance to taking probiotics with food or on empty stomach. A study found that probiotics can cause positive changes if taken with a meal. However, some researches show that taking probiotics on empty stomach is better. Because probiotics on empty stomach can provide better results.

Meal composition and probiotics

While manufacturing the probiotics, the microorganism used is tested in the laboratory. Ensure they can endure different conditions in your stomach and intestine. However, consuming certain meals along with probiotics may enhance their effectiveness.

Research shows that microorganisms can survive more when they are taken with oatmeal. Compared to when they are taken with a glass of water or apple juice. Study shows that taking probiotics with fat can increase survival rates in the body.

As Lactobacillus probiotics depend on glucose to exist in an acidic environment. They can survive when consumed with sugar or carbohydrates.

Uses of probiotics

Probiotics are a healthy choice for your gut. One cannot neglect the health benefits of probiotics. Probiotic supplements that can maintain the health of your gut. They can stop the growth of dangerous organisms and can strengthen the gut barrier. They can reverse changes that occur in bacteria after taking antibiotics. In this way, it maintains the health of your gut.

There is currently little research on their potential to enhance immune system health. As well as oral, skin, and mental wellness.

Fermented foods like yoghurt, kimchi, and kefir contain living bacteria. These meals are connected to reducing blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, and weight.

The National Institutes of Health says that probiotic supplements are common dietary supplements.

Forms of probiotics

Probiotics are available as capsules, powders, drops, and beads. Probiotic capsules need some consideration. Enteric-coated delivery of probiotics is also possible. By selecting the enteric-coated probiotic capsules. They can protect the bacteria from stomach acid.

They are also present in some foods. Yoghurt, fermented milk, and chocolates also contain probiotics.

Before populating your large intestine, probiotic microorganisms must withstand digestive acids and enzymes.

Regardless of when they are consumed. Probiotics in yoghurt and capsules can withstand stomach acids better. As compared to powders or liquids.

Lactobacillus strains are resistant to stomach acid. Because they originate from the human intestinal system.

Probiotics are also found in foods. According to a study published in July 2012 in Nutrition and Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition Journal, probiotic foods are beneficial. They are even better than supplements. The additional ingredients in the food can protect the probiotics. They also make them pass easily through the gastrointestinal tract.

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Quantity of probiotics one should take daily

One to ten billion CFU can be found in one dose of a probiotic supplement. Probiotics have varying daily dosages depending on the product. The probiotic strains in the formula will also affect how well it works. Children require 5 to 10 billion CFU of probiotics daily. It ranges from 10 to 20 billion CFU per day for people.

Is it safe to take probiotics on empty stomach?

Yes, It is safe to take probiotics on empty stomach. Dr. David advises taking probiotics on empty stomach. Your stomach churns out more acid to digest the food.

If you want to improve your health. You should take healthy gut bacteria in the form of probiotics. Probiotic supplements can maintain the health of the gastrointestinal tract. Adding these beneficial bacteria to your daily routine can solve many health problems.

Experts investigate the best time to take probiotics and the factors that affect them. They set the record straight on whether or not there is the best time to take probiotics and what other factors affect them.

According to research that was published in the Beneficial Microbes Journal. Only a small amount of probiotics can reach your intestine if taken after a meal. It means that some microorganisms can die before reaching the intestine.

Timing is important to increase the effects of probiotic supplements. It is beneficial to take them on empty stomach. When the stomach acid levels are naturally lower.

Taking probiotics on empty stomach can increase the survival rates of gut bacteria. It is because useful bacteria can surpass the heavy digestion process. And can reach the intestine to produce their effects.

You can also take probiotics on empty stomach in the morning when you woke up from sleep.

However, you should only take probiotics empty stomach in the morning after sleep. If you do not have a problem with acid reflux or heartburn. If you have such a problem avoid using probiotics on empty stomach.

In some conditions, taking probiotics on empty stomach cannot be helpful. For example during fasting. Read the below information to know the time you should not take probiotics on empty stomach.

When to not take a probiotic

Many factors can affect the effectiveness of probiotics.

You cannot know when the acid level of your stomach is low. But you can know when it is high. We have mentioned the times to avoid taking probiotics on empty stomach. Because at these times of the day, the stomach acid level is high. This can decrease the chances of bacteria survival. To help ensure probiotic bacteria survival. Pedre recommends taking a high-potency probiotic supplement. That should contain Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains. This feature of probiotic products can make them useful.

During Midnight:

If you feel that during midnight the food has been digested and you are on empty stomach. This is not true. The stomach acid secretion is at its peak during this time. The stomach tends to produce gastric acid in more amounts from 10 pm to 2 am.

The acid secretion is high to kill the harmful bacteria you may have digested with food. However, the acid cannot distinguish between good and bad bacteria. In this way, it can kill good bacteria as well.

With Heavy Meal:

The stomach produces acid to digest the food after a meal. This acid helps in the breakdown and digestion of food products. Some people say that food products can dilute the acidity of the stomach. However, this may not always be the case. It usually depends upon the food and the quantity in which you are taking it. The stomach acid is low before a meal. If you take probiotics on empty stomach they can survive. And can produce the desired effects.

If you eat heavy food products, the stomach will release more acid to break down the food. If you take meat, oily food, or tough vegetable fibres. There are chances that the stomach acid is released in high amounts to digest them. Therefore, probiotics on empty stomach is a good idea.

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While fasting

Taking probiotics on empty stomach may not be the best idea if you are fasting. If you are fasting, or have not eaten anything for a long time. Do not take probiotics supplements.

You should not take probiotics on empty stomach while fasting. Because stomach acid levels are naturally high when you have not eaten for a long time. So, the acid levels can be higher if you are fasting. If you take probiotics on empty stomach they cannot survive. Only some bacterial strains can survive.

Before Bed

As mentioned previously, gastric acid production peaks around 10 pm. If you take probiotics supplements at this time. You may not be doing right as they cannot survive the harsh stomach environment.

Taking probiotics supplements before bed can also make you uncomfortable. Because these supplements can cause bloating.

With other supplements or drugs:

A probiotic can change the effects of other supplements or drugs. They seem to be safe to use. But sometimes, they can alter the effects of other drugs you use. Before using them with some other supplement or drug, ask your doctor.

You should ask your doctor if you are a nursing mother or pregnant. Also, before buying a probiotic for your child, consult your doctor to know the best strain.

Side effects of taking probiotics at the wrong time

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria. They are tolerated by the body because they are also naturally found in the body. Some people enquire about the time because they want the probiotics to survive. They neglect the side effects of taking probiotics at the wrong time. Choose the best probiotic, even if you take it during the day or at night, with or without food. It should not cause any side effects.

The side effects of taking a probiotic at the wrong time include the following:

Digestive Issues

Gas, bloating, and constipation are common side effects. People often use a probiotic to treat irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). But research shows that some people can experience these symptoms using a probiotic. Serious side effects mean you are not taking the appropriate strains of bacteria. Some trial and error can be needed to find the best probiotics that suit you.

Typically, these symptoms disappear quickly. Instead, they usually appear as first-time users and disappear after utilising them. You can reduce or avoid this by beginning with tiny amounts and working your way up. If this persists, you should speak with your main healthcare physician.

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Infection or Anti-biotic Resistance

Most people won’t get sick or get infections due to probiotics. The two main bacteria-based probiotic strains, Lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, rarely cause infection. Yet, some people are at most risk than others.

Probiotic use increases the risk of infection in people who have undergone surgery. Or who typically have reduced or damaged immune systems. The best course of action for you is to speak with your doctor. To locate probiotic strains that are right for you.

Antibiotic resistance can also affect anyone. Probiotic strains of Enterococci show antibiotic resistance. It might cause issues for the user.

Allergies or Intolerance

You might discover that you are allergic to some of the probiotic ingredients. It would be important to study the repackaging to prevent any problems carefully. For instance, if you have a yeast allergy. Do not use probiotics that contain yeast.

Similarly to this, lactose may also be present in many probiotics. If you are lactose intolerant, do not use products containing lactose. Research shows that some lactose-intolerant people can tolerate medications if they contain only a small amount of lactose.


People take probiotics to improve their gut health. They are also present in some foods and are healthy.

Reading the directions on the label is crucial before taking a probiotic supplement. This will instruct you on the ideal times and methods for choosing the probiotic.

It is advisable to take probiotics on empty stomach. Because probiotics on empty stomach can show better results.

Many individuals take them as soon as they get up. Usually 30 minutes before breakfast or 2-3 hours after their last meal.


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